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Butterfly 特别御注品

charlesj 2009-7-15 12:48:00
May I know how to buy/order one?

What information do I need to put for the order? weight etc...

What are the dimensions for 小拍型? How is it different from the KTS shape? How to indicate this on the order form? How about Cypress Special?

Can I indicate that I do not want it to be painted? And no model logo on the side of the cork?

I am still deciding whether to get one so if any one want to sell a brand new 御注 quality blade (BTY, Nittaku, Kokutaku, Xiom, TSP), you may message me.




charlesj 楼主 2009-7-16 00:27:00
加工なし(白木) There is no processing (the plain wood)
黒塗り?コルクなし Black paint, no cock
黒塗り?半円コルク Black paint, Semicircle cork
黒塗り?全面コルク Black paint, Full cork
赤塗り?コルクなし Red paint, no cock
赤塗り?半円コルク Red paint, Semicircle cork
赤塗り?全面コルク Red paint, Full cork
塗装なし?半円コルク No paint, Semicircle cork
塗装なし?全面コルク No paint, Full cork
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bleachfan92 2009-7-15 22:56:00

if you want the smaller size plate (小拍面) and you want to order from butterfly japan yourself, choose the plate shape as senkoh super 95-s (the only blade that in production that is smaller plate size)

however butterfly japan only allow local orders and no printing, no logo tag allowed (all these on the bty japan website). you can decide whether you want paint or not, you want cork or not, red paint, black paint etc.


But if you want one with logo tag or cypress special, i believe you can only depend on sellers from china hongkong or taiwan. cause its impossible to get it if you order on the website. if you want a special made blade just go for butterfly, the others are not of as good quality. nittaku special made is only 15K jpy and its only nittaku AA material. xiom special made available on iruiru (rsm platinum quality) kokutaku normal quality. others yet to hear of special made or not as easy to obtain.


hope it helps charles!



ブレード形状(plate shape):
ブレード材質(plate material):
グリップ形状1(grip shape):
グリップ材質(grip material):


the weight can only be customed if the plate shape is not chosen.

裏面加工(back design):

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charlesj 楼主 2009-7-15 23:24:00
 1) 我想知道怎么能买一块蝴蝶御注
May I know how to buy/order one?

2) 订单里面,需要说明哪些信息? 比如重量之类的
What information do I need to put for the order? weight etc...

3) 小拍型的尺寸规格是怎么样的? 小拍型和KTS型有什么区别? 订单里面应该如何注明需要小拍型?  Cypress Special 又如何?
What are the dimensions for 小拍型? How is it different from the KTS shape? How to indicate this on the order form? How about Cypress Special?

3) 我可以指定拍背后不油漆? 并且是不是可以去掉手柄侧面的型号标识?
Can I indicate that I do not want it to be painted? And no model logo on the side of the cork?

我还在犹豫是不是要买一块新的御注级别的球拍,蝴蝶、nittaku、kkt、xiom、tsp之类的品牌都可以,如果有人卖的话,请给我站内信。  只有80至86克...
I am still deciding whether to get one so if any one want to sell a brand new 御注 quality blade (BTY, Nittaku, Kokutaku, Xiom, TSP), you may message me. Only 80 to 86 grams...


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charlesj 楼主 2009-7-15 23:28:00
great info! Thanks bleachfan92
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xuqingyou 2009-7-15 19:56:00
以下是引用mahous在2009-7-15 15:56:00的发言:
You can go to the official website of the Butterfly ,Options on the page where you will see a look of 。
Including cork, weight, shape and other issues。
Finally, I hope you are happy to play here。图片点击可在新窗口打开查看

The order is only in Japan on internet,but you can ask the agent of Butterfly in your country order it from company, also you can ask it in this web maybe someone doesn't like the racket he got.



现用板:蝴蝶御注 备用板:蝴蝶御注 Darker特注 打球目的:娱乐、健身、交友
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aaa206 2009-7-15 17:12:00
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aaa206 2009-7-15 17:11:00
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学习小柳 2009-7-15 13:09:00
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单桧爱好者 2009-7-15 14:24:00



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