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and202058手机认证 2013-12-27 13:28:00



2.本人不对贴子的内容真实性及 评测结果做任何鉴定。只是翻译而已。所以劝各位球友,帖子的内容仅供球友配胶时参考而已。毕竟烧套胶也有风险,烧胶须谨慎!







Blaze Spin (火焰 旋转)ffice:office" />







Blaze Speed(火焰 速度)







both rubbers have: 两个套胶共有的特性:


thickness: 1.8mm(厚度)

weight: 50 gms (1.8mm); 64 gms; 2.0mm  for both rubbers 1.8的重50g,2.0的重64g。没剪前

dimensions(尺寸): 169x169mm

hardness: sponge is medium soft   硬度:海绵中等硬度

Test blades: Challenge Speed 7 ply all wood limba blade; Challenge Force 5 ply Limba Blade. Stiga Rosewood 5

测试器材:adidas 的两个型号和stiga 的玫瑰5,adidas 的型号为:Challenge Speed(7层),Challenge Force(5层)。//老外大部分都是横拍


I have used short pips in the past extensively as a backhand rubber. i have owned ritc 802-40, stiga royal, stiga radical in the past and have also tried tsp spectol and butterfly raystorm. Ive been excited to try these pips since i havent used anything new of a short pip from another brand for a while now. 

我反手用短颗粒胶,我用过802-40、stiga royal、stiga radical、tsp spectol、 butterfly raystorm。因为有一段时间没有用新的颗粒胶皮,所以我非常兴奋的去用adidas的颗粒胶皮。







both pips are high quality pips out from the factory. each of their topsheet is very thin unlike that of the 802-40's topsheet which has a thicker base. its like pips were added to an extremely thin flat layer that is about 0.2-0.3mm thin. 




[此贴子已经被作者于2015/1/8 19:59:49编辑过]


sww6677手机认证 2013-12-27 17:51:00

adidasBlaze Spin正胶的特点在于“制造旋转“。巧妙的几何颗粒设计为套胶提供高性能旋转效果且空前的易于使用。柔软的海绵创新结构为套胶提供额外的稳定性,控制性和速度。表层采用100%天然橡胶,耐久性强,具有全方位的能力。同时,超强紧缩效果集成于表层和海绵之间以产生高效能。Blaze Spin强烈推荐给第一次打颗粒套胶的选手。此外,Blaze Spin正胶也极力推荐给能够灵活运用各种战术的快攻打法选手
[此贴子已经被作者于2013-12-27 17:58:04编辑过]
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sww6677手机认证 2013-12-27 17:51:00
 ADIDAS阿迪达斯 Blaze speed 德系内能生胶套胶

表层胶皮- 100%纯天然套胶表层耐久性强,具有全方位的能力
-硬度= 稍软


尤其是TSP 20082,20192
[此贴子已经被作者于2013-12-27 17:58:44编辑过]
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and202058手机认证 楼主 2013-12-27 13:36:00






both sponges have the same hardness. felt like a 34-35 degree DHS scale hardness to me. The sponge for both pips is a semi-porous ESN sponge. On closer inspection you would see that the spacing of the pips between the speed ad spin versions are obvious. The Speed version has bigger spacing in between pips and the Spin version has lesser space in between pips.






the picture above is the Blaze Speed on top and Blaze Spin on the bottom (i took photos of both red and black spin and speed versions)





you will see that the Blaze Speed on top has a narrower pip diameter. The Speed's pip has a straight vertical design after its short conic base while the Spin version has a wider conical design from its base to its top. both pips have a ribbed design. 







side by side you can see and compare the pip structures and spacing between the Spin (red) and Speed (black) on the above picture.



My lady friend who was a former national player was also excited to test these rubbers with me. She is a short pips user since she first learned table tennis. She has a US equivalent rating of at least 2300+. I glued the 3 pips (2 on my challenge force blade and 1 on my friend's rosewood 5). i think its important to mention that both the Speed and Spin version have some sort of reverse doming when i was placing them flat on the table before gluing. I couldn't smell the tuning though. 


We both immediately made drills with the 2 pips. She used the red speed version while i was using the red spin version on the backhand. both pips are very fast on a 1.8mm thickness especially the Speed version. If compare it with other pips I have used i would say the Speed version is as fast as the Stiga Royal, faster than the Butterfly Raystorm and Stiga Clippa. The Spin version is slower than the Royal by a few notches but still faster than the Clippa or 802-40. 


The Speed version has a very good knuckle ball effect due to its narrower pip diameter and wider spacing. The knuckle ball is really annoying especially when a high rating player plays with it. The speed version takes a bit of adjustment for me. it has a lower arc than the Spin version but nevertheless a very good attacking pips. The Spin version on the other hand is more versatile in terms of spin variations. The Speed version is linear and predictable. You hit the ball or brush the ball, the spin isnt much to be expected. The Spin version however can several effects to the ball. From a spinny brush against underspin balls which i really find not difficult to lift in my backhand to producing a knuckle ball effect. The knuckle ball effect of the Spin version is not as profound as the Speed version. The Spin version is spinnier than the Royal or 802-40 but on par with the Raystorm. Both pips have a medium soft sponge and the ball kinda sinks onto the sponge. 


on the forehand, I also tested both pips. On hitting and smashing the Speed version is awesome. On driving with some brushes, spinny pushes and serving, the spin version is better. The speed version is an all out attacking pips but also has a good blocking ability where the return of a topspin ball has lesser spin and most of the time a sort of float. The spin version is more predictable in blocking against it or attacking against it. In terms of control, the spin version is easier to handle and has more margin for errors. The speed version gets to shine if you are an all out attacker that wants to take risks.



速度上来说,speed要比Butterfly Raystorm and Stiga Clippa都快,和Stiga Royal一样,而Spin比Stiga Royal慢上一些,但仍旧比Clippa or 802-40快。

由于speed有更小的颗粒(比spin来说),所以它的回球有比较好的“飘忽感”(knuckle ball 出自垒球,球手投出的没有旋转的球,该球在空中运动方向诡异,甚至能在运动过程中不断改变方向(可能由于空气流体作用力),从而加大棒球手击打该球的难度。knuckle ball的翻译出自英文的维基百科,这里暂且翻译为“飘忽感”)。这种“飘忽感”的回球会让高水平球员很头疼。我用Speed时,动作上有些微调。虽然Speed的击球比spin弧线低平,但仍然是一个好的进攻型颗粒胶皮。而spin具有更多的旋转上的变化。用spin击打或拉球,弧线不好判断(说击打和拉的球比较“贼”)。我反手用spin摩擦起下旋时,也是比较容易的,并且能产生下沉感。“飘忽感”(knuckle ball),spin没speed好。旋转上说,spin超过了Royal or 802-40(这个802-40是欧版的,据说海绵是德国的。包装也和国内的802-40套胶不一样),但和Raystorm差不多。两款套胶的海绵硬度都为中等,都有球陷到海绵里的感觉。

on the forehand, I also tested both pips. On hitting and smashing the Speed version is awesome. On driving with some brushes, spinny pushes and serving, the spin version is better. The speed version is an all out attacking pips but also has a good blocking ability where the return of a topspin ball has lesser spin and most of the time a sort of float. The spin version is more predictable in blocking against it or attacking against it. In terms of control, the spin version is easier to handle and has more margin for errors. The speed version gets to shine if you are an all out attacker that wants to take risks.


正手,我也测过两款正胶,击打上,speed 是非常好的。摩擦球上、发球、旋转性回球,spin要更好。Speed 完全是进攻型颗粒胶皮,并且有很好防守能力。对加转的来球,speed回过去的球减弱了旋转并且很多情况下回球还有点“飘”。(好像是个英文省略句,比较难翻译)。Spin在防守和攻击上的回球更相对容易(比speed)判断。在控制上,spin更加容易处理球,并且容错性更好(比speed)。如果你是个搏杀型的“纯进攻”型选手,speed可能更好。




I'm very impressed with the 2 pips and I would recommend the Blaze Spin for all around short pip users who wants to attack and at the same time have variations in their game in terms of spin generation, hitting and blocking. The Blaze Speed is for players who attacks relentlessly and want to have more knuckle ball effects on the ball.



[此贴子已经被作者于2015/1/8 20:01:05编辑过]
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hgsjxzzz 2013-12-27 14:39:00
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nndzry手机认证 2013-12-27 16:27:00
直板:STIGA Titanium Wood正胶:JOOLA  ultra  tango 2.0
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内海 2013-12-29 09:28:00
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sjqka 2013-12-30 22:25:00
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Johnny1996 2013-12-31 13:21:00
 adidas這兩款顆粒和hexer pips都是同一類東西,一款旋轉,另一款速度,又是蛋糕海綿。
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and202058手机认证 楼主 2014-1-1 18:41:00
以下是引用sjqka在2013-12-30 22:25:00的发言:

呵呵,谢谢版主了。不过翻译起来确实挺麻烦,一个“knuckle ball ”就查了半天。

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