配置: 底板蝴蝶科贝尔五层纯木, 反胶省狂三40度, 长胶世奥得塞拉单胶皮。
打法: 右手直板反长倒板, 反胶左推右攻能拉, 长胶初步掌握反手拱撇磕正手挡刮扣。
用过的长胶有红双喜C8, 大维388D-1, 喜盈979。
塞拉与打过的其他长胶外观及手感对比:ffice:office" />
颗粒长度都一样, 塞拉大小与D-1及979一样, 比C8略小。塞拉颗粒顶部无花纹,C8,D-1,979颗粒上有。
参加小区内比赛,10人分两小组循环各取前两名进行淘汰赛决出冠军, 三局两胜。因为经常在一起打球,相互球路都比较熟悉。我的以往战绩
进攻:塞拉长胶单胶皮进攻更犀利。正手扣到对方球台下沉得很快,是得分的好手段; 刮球失误率高,刮到的球质量也不高;反手位撇很好,撇过
Play Report of SWORD SCYLLA Long Pimpled Rubber
By Octopus in Nov.2nd, 2012, Fuzhou
Racket: Butterfly KOBEL blade (5-ply wood) with Hurricane III pimples-in (40 degree), and Sword SCYLLA long pimples w/o sponge.
Play skill: Right hand pen-hold grip, pimples-in and long pimples at 2 sides, twirl racket.
Pimples-in side with block at backhand and smash at forehand, able to lift.
LP (long pimples) side with heavy block (gong), right side cut (pie) and down cut (ke) at backhand and smash, block, left side
cut (gua) at forehand.
Appearance comparison with some other rubbers:
Pimple length: almost the same; pimple diameter: same as D-1 & 979, a little smaller than C8; pimple top is smooth, other rubbers
with rough pattern at the top.
Hardness: same as D-1, slightly softer than C8 & 979.
Rubber thickness: SCYLLA, C8 and D-1 are thin rubbers, smooth at the back, while 979 is thick and rough at its back.
Understanding after self throw-and-play practice:
Backhand: Ability of side block and right side cut (pie) is good, no difference from other rubbers.
Forehand: Left side cut (gua) for close table shot is great, but easy to make high bounce for long distance stroke. After adjustment
to half cut and half smash, the effect improves but still has more than 50% errors. Smashing high jump ball is excellent with faster
speed. Attacking low ball is tending to fly off the opposite table. I get used to control the attack by rubbing upward a little at the
end of stroke. With SCYLLA, this friction fails.
Understanding after matches:
Matches are held in my community. 10 players divided in two groups with round robin and 2 winners from each group. Knock-out
till champion. Best of 3. We know each other's skill due to playing together frequently. I rank upper level.
The first opponent comes with left-handed pen-hold grip fast attacking. SCYLLA performs bad serving returns and he smashes
most of my returns easily. The worse is that my attack fails too much. I was shortly defeated scoring 0:2.
The second player is tennis grip intending to push. SCYLLA is easily to heavy block or side cut. And some of my balls bounce
high and lifted by him with side spin. I win by 2:1.
The third one likes to push and slow loop and is completely controlled by SCYLLA in my hand. When his high rotation loop is
cut by SCYLLA, the ball returns wobblingly to his table and he can hardly judge the correct position. By right side-cutting (pie)
his backspin ball, the return bounces very low and falls down earlier than before. Sometimes the ball flies to his right side.
SCYLLA easily attacks back his slow loop at forehand, the ball returns very aggressively and unpredictablely. In the end he
even has no proper sense to return my normal service. I used to have a fine match with him, but today he finds himself under
the table. With heavy scores in two games, I defeat him by 2:0. The other player in the group plays in a lower level and
surrenders fast. I get qualified for semi-final as second in the group.
The opponent in semi-final is left-handed pen-hold grip with pimples-in on forehand and long pimples on back. He has excellent
services and stable defense. Sometimes a fierce fast loop gives his adversary headaches. In the past, he always defeats me
with his continuous and different returns from two sides’ different rubbers. Now SCYLLA makes aggressive smash on his balls
with high efficiency. He can seldom hit back successfully due to the reverse back spin by SCYLLA's attack for his ball is always
with no spin or a little top-spin. Most of his returns drop to the net. When he pushes with his pimples-in side, SCYLLA returns
with heavy block to his back hand and he has to hit back with his long pimple. Now I can smash with SCYLLA again. In the
deciding game, this skill defeats him a lot. Scoring 2:1, I come to the final.
The competitor in the final is pen-hold grip with two sides’ pimples-in fast attack. Neither push, nor loop. My long pimpled rubber
shows disadvantages before him. Today has no exception. When I try to attack his long ball at forehand, the error rate is very high.
While to block his ball at back hand, the bounce is often high or out. He can easily attack my side cut. In the end I have to use
pimples-in side to give him heavy back spin. Then his attack accuracy comes down dramatically. Finally by 2:1, I win the
Attack: SCYLLA long pimple is more aggressive with wobbling back spin effect when smashing. Poor in left side cut (gua).
At back hand, right side cut (pie) is excellent with heavy strength and unpredictable arc. Heavy block (gong) is with high
Defense: SCYLLA long pimple has an unstable control in defense for tending to return high bounces. But its reverse is
unpredictable. The down cut (ke) at back hand is great with disruptive effect. The block at fore hand is bad, always bounces
high and can be easily smashed by the opponent.
In one word, if you are not after high quality defense, if you need aggressive attack, SCYLLA is an ideal option in
long pimple.
I hate long pimpled rubber.
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