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Tory Burch Sale Illinois Medical

ormogreen 2011-6-17 15:55:00
According to their own account, however, those sections of country bordering upon the Connecticut River, Discount Christian Louboutin and the shores of ffice:smarttags" />laceType w:st="on">Lake Cham plain, suffered most severely from this fearful scourge. From these lines it occasionally diverged in various directions, to localities of different points of the compass, and different geological formations. The period of duration of this epidemic, according to the best sources of information, was about two years, dating from the fall of 1841, or the spring of 1842.Another account of the same epidemic, is given by Dr. J. A. Allen, in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Jan., 1844, as it manifested itself in Middlebury, Vt., a town lying upon Otter Creek, a considerable stream emptying into Lake Champlain. The disease was also prevailing at the same time in several towns in New-York, also lying upon the borders of Lake Champlain and Lake George.In the Tory Burch Sale Illinois Medical and Surgical Journal, June, 1844, Dr. D. Meeker makes a report of this epidemic, which made its appearance at Michigan City, la., in December, 1843. This town lies on the southeast shore of Lake Michigan. Dr. Shipman describes the same epidemic in the same vicinity, in the New- York Journal of Medicine, for January, 1846. He observes, that from Michigan City, it spread to St. Joseph's Co., and during the summer and autumn over a wide section of country in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. Dr. S. witnessed the disease himself at Laporte, in December, 1844, and January, 1845. According to the best information which I can obtain, this epidemic continued without Tory Burch Outlet  any marked interruption, for a period of nearly three years, during which time it was attended by a fearful mortality in those sections of the country above mentioned.In the


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