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al of lands in Bedlingtonsh

cederni 2013-4-6 11:43:00

al of lands in Bedlingtonsh

ire, due to the lord bishoppe of ffice:smarttags" />Durham, &c.:—Bedlington Copyholders.—Henry Milbume, halfe a farme, p. ann. 10s. 6d.; Jane Walker, halfe a farme, 10s. 6d.; George Marshall, a farme, £1 Is.; Robert Lawson, a farme, £1 Is.; John Sckipsey,* a farme, £1 Is; William Hunter, half a farme, 10s. 6d.; William Watson, a farme, £1 Is.; Cuthbert Watson, a farme, £1 Is.; Catharine Wilson, a farme, £1 Is.; Robert Mill, a farme, £1 Is; Richard Browne, halfe a farme, 10s. 6d.; Thomas Watson, a farme, £1 Is.; Mary Cuthbert, halfe a farme, 10s. 6d.; Thomas Michelson, a farme, £1 Is.; Thos. Scott, a farme, £1 Is.: in all, £13 12s. 6d. There is thirteene cottages and garths belonging to seu'al tenants coppyhoulders, at one shilling rent eu'y cottage p. ann'—13s. Freeholders in Bedlington.—Ralph Baytes's Hallywell, p. ann', 2s. lOd.; Mr ffenwick, of Prudhoe, 14s. Michael Kors Outlet online http://www.michaelkorsfactoryoutlet-online.com/, Michael Kors Outlet online 6d.  Leaseholders in Bedlington.—Henry Milbume, the demesne house and gaith, p. ann' 8s.; John Errington, one farm, £1 Is. Id., more for augmentation, 4s.; John Errington, one other farme,  * 17 May, 1632, Wm Skipsey, of Bedlington, yeom, left his body to be buried in the church of Bedlington, near his father, and his customary farm in Bedlington to his eldest son John, and his heirs.—(Raine's TetU 611.) There are several entries of the Skipsey family in the registers of this parish, and amongst the rest the following: Jane, dau. of John Skipsey and Eliz. his wife, born at Bedlington, Ap. 20, 1655, and buried there 2 June, 1656.   As described by Randal, was "small, covered with lead, and having an old tower." Before the year 1813, it consisted of a chancel 32 feet by 17, nave 52 feet by 24, and tower 16 Michael Kors Outlet http://www.michaelkors-outletstore.us/,eet by 94-; but, in that year, had a semi-circular enlargement of 26 feet radius, of good masonry added to it on the north. The style of the additions will be understood from the annexed view. The accommodations they afford consist of sittings and pews on the ground floor, and in a gallery; and they cost £713http://www.burberryoutletstoreonsale.com/. Burberry Outlet http://www.tiffanyandcoutletonline.com/—£616 of which was raised by subscription, the rest by rate. In the front of the gallery is inscribed—" H. Cotes, vicario: John Gooch, Gilbert Robson, Robert Chater, Cuthbert Watson, sacrorum custodibus." One of the large stones of the foundation contains a brass plate encased in lead, and bearing an inscription, together with some small silver  15s. 9d. ob'; the wife of Wm Milburne, three farms and a half, p. arm' £3 13s. 9d.; Bedlington water milne, by lease, £4; Bedlington collyerie, p. ann' £2: in all, £26 15s. 5d. ob.  Nethertonhttp://www.discountoakleysunglassesoutlet.com/? discount oakley sunglasses belongs to the lord Howard, payes by year £4 14s. 8d.: Chapington, Mr Middleton, of Belsay, hath a lease for three lives, and payes £5 8s.: East Slealeburne, five farms and a half, freeholders, and payes £3 8s. 8d.: West Sleateburne, four farms on the north side, sr Andrew.Yong, holdes at 13s. a farme, p, ann' £2 12s.; leaseholders, four farms on the south side, iu seueral tenants hands, now out of lease; antient rent £2 13s. 4d.: half a farme freehold there, payes I know  not :Camboyse, sir Andrew Yong paid p. ann' 12s. 5d.; Richard Yong payes p. &nn' £1  4s. lOd.: total £47 9s. 4d. ob' (Bywell papers.)   and copper coins of George the Third. The windows of the old part have all been modernized, and no traces are now left of the simple elegance of the original building, excepting in some fret work on each side of the semi-circular arch between the nave and the chancel; and, in a beautifully moulded and fretted window, on the west side of the tower. The enrichments of this tower window have certainly suffered much by the mouldering hand of Time, but were still distinct enough as models for repairing the chancel window, and to tell the style in which the late additions to this antient e


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