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月光の疾风 楼主 2008-8-20 19:53:00

7Schlager Carbon


The Schlager Carbon, not for the faint of heart. This is one of our fastest blade, designed for stinging blocks and power-packed topspin plays. Combine this blade with Bryce rubber and like Werner Schlager, you too can be playing with a powerful racket.

Speed: 10.5
Control: 6.5
Feel: Hard

底板:STIGA OC CR 92克 5.5MM FL 正手:普狂 40度 2.2 黑 反手:蝴蝶 SRIVER EL 2.1 红 打法:右手横拍弧圈结合快攻 战术:发球抢攻 接发球抢拉 侧身抢拉 QQ1024462815
月光の疾风 楼主 2008-8-20 19:54:00

8Timo Boll Spirit


Great for the European looping style of play. The Timo Boll Spirit has a good balance of speed and control. An overwhelming choice by many Butterfly sponsored players.

Speed: 8.3
Control: 7.9
Feel: Medium

底板:STIGA OC CR 92克 5.5MM FL 正手:普狂 40度 2.2 黑 反手:蝴蝶 SRIVER EL 2.1 红 打法:右手横拍弧圈结合快攻 战术:发球抢攻 接发球抢拉 侧身抢拉 QQ1024462815
月光の疾风 楼主 2008-8-20 19:54:00

9 Viscaria


Viscaria blades combine the Arylate Fiber features of lightness, flexibility, and shock absorption with the Carbon Fiber features of high elasticity and minimal dissipation of energy. Koto outer plies, Balsa center ply. Viscaria's compact head size makes it ideal for quick re-looping right off the bounce.

Speed: 8.7
Control: 7.2
Feel: Soft

底板:STIGA OC CR 92克 5.5MM FL 正手:普狂 40度 2.2 黑 反手:蝴蝶 SRIVER EL 2.1 红 打法:右手横拍弧圈结合快攻 战术:发球抢攻 接发球抢拉 侧身抢拉 QQ1024462815
月光の疾风 楼主 2008-8-20 19:55:00

10Viscaria Light


More and more players are seeking lighter blades and the Viscaria Light fulfills that need while keeping the excellent speed, soft feel, and sweet touch. The weight reduction is made possible by reducing the number of wood plies from five to three. However, by increasing the thickness of the outer Koto wood plies, we are able to keep the blade speed close to the original. The addition of Arylate/Carbon Fiber plies adds speed (minimal dissipation of energy), less vibration, and a larger sweet-spot.

Speed: 8.4
Control: 7.3
Feel: Soft

底板:STIGA OC CR 92克 5.5MM FL 正手:普狂 40度 2.2 黑 反手:蝴蝶 SRIVER EL 2.1 红 打法:右手横拍弧圈结合快攻 战术:发球抢攻 接发球抢拉 侧身抢拉 QQ1024462815
月光の疾风 楼主 2008-8-20 19:48:00



The Amultart ZL Carbon is a hybrid of Butterfly’s industry leading Carbon Technology with our new ZL fiber. The resulting blade has great speed, but holds the ball a little longer than the normal carbon fiber making the production of heavy topspin easier.
Speed: 10.2
Control: 7.6
Feel: Hard

底板:STIGA OC CR 92克 5.5MM FL 正手:普狂 40度 2.2 黑 反手:蝴蝶 SRIVER EL 2.1 红 打法:右手横拍弧圈结合快攻 战术:发球抢攻 接发球抢拉 侧身抢拉 QQ1024462815
xujiangzhe 2008-8-20 21:05:00


taole505 2008-8-20 21:10:00



zhaimin 2008-8-25 09:15:00


狂飙王!!! 2008-8-25 12:13:00
底板:狂飚王:直 正手:省狂3,40 反手:BRYCE QQ654471578 球台上没有留下球的痕迹,而我的弧圈已经掠过。
终南枫 2008-8-25 09:09:00
斯帝卡红黑碳王, 正手YASAKA-ERA.内能42-44,. 反手,563(1.5海绵)
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