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Buy POE Currency To Enhance Tectonic Slam Chieftain Build -May Offer

jacksoner手机认证 2023-5-24 15:03:41
本帖最后由 jacksoner 于 2023-5-24 15:06 编辑

If you play Path of Exile, then you must know a famous build in the Path of Exile - Tectonic Slam Chieftain, although as more and more powerful builds are invented now, the status of Tectonic Slam Chieftain is not as strong as before, But as a build that can cause powerful physical AOE output to the enemy, it is still welcomed by physics players.

Tectonic Slam Chieftain is a build that focuses on leveling like Marauder, because it is more inclined to Tectonic Slam and Endurance Charges on the basis of tank builds, which leads to you having a very powerful AOE ability. The dead mobs are very fast, but at the same time you lack strong single-point damage, it will be very difficult for you to fight against the Boss.

This is because Endurance Charges and Tectonic Slam are born for group damage. The powerful AOE ability brings that you cannot kill the enemy alone, so you'd better have a backup build to make up for this deficiency. This may require POE Currency Buy to support.

If you need to Buy POE Currency, you can buy it on poecurrency. This is the website I have been using to Buy POE Currency. I have used it for so long without making a mistake, and the customer service attitude on it is very good. It will definitely let you have a Pleasant shopping experience, buy now and enjoy discounts at the end of May.



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